Isi Hoax:
Aluminium Chlorhydrat, untuk selanjutnya saya singkat menjadi AC.
AC terdapat dalam Nivea Deodorant sensitive without alcohol dan juga dalam Dove Deodorant Silk Dry (tutup emas), tidak didalam Dove fresh touch.
Baru2 ini saya menghadiri sebuah seminar tentang kanker payudara. Waktu session tanya-jawab, saya mengajukan pertanyaan ttg. mengapa bagian ketiak adalah tempat dimana paling sering perkembangan kanker payudara terjadi.
Waktu itu pertanyaan saya tidak bisa dijawab. Selang beberapa waktu, saya menerima pos, dimana ada keterangan/ jawaban atas pertanyaan saya tsb. diatas. Keterangan atau jawaban tsb. ingin saya informasikan kepada anda semua.
Penyebab utama untuk kanker payudara adalah karena pemakaian produk2 ANTI-TRANSPIRAN (= anti keringat). Kebanyakan produk yang ada dipasaran merupakan kombinasi dari anti-keringat dan deodorant.
Produk Deodorant sendiri tidak berbahaya.
Mohon periksa bahan2 apa saja yang tertera dikemasan produk2 deodorant anti-keringat anda dirumah! Bila mereka mengandung AC, SEGERA BUANGLAH, a.l. Rexona dan Dove Deodorant. Coba menggunakan merk2 lain yang tidak mengandung bahan AC ini.
Alasannya adalah sederhana:
Hanya beberapa bagian dari tubuh kita yang dapat mengeleminasi zat2 racun, yaitu bag. belakang lutut, belakang kuping, diantara kaki dan ketiak. Zat2 racun ini dikeluarkan dalam bentuk keringat.
Produk2 anti-keringat mencegah keringat keluar. Dengan menggunakan deodorant anti-keringat, zat2 racun tadi tidak bisa dikeluarkan dari dalam tubuh, melainkan tertumpuk di kelenjar getah bening dibawah lengan. Asal kanker payudara kebanyakan ditemukan di area bagian atas payudara.
Laki2 tidak sepeka wanita terhadap type penyakit ini. Meskipun laki2 menggunakan produk2 anti-keringat, bahan2 produk ini biasanya tinggal melekat dipermukaan ketiak dan tidak langsung masuk kedalam kulit.
Kaum wanita yang setelah mencukur rambut ketiak langsung menggunakan produk anti-keringat lebih banyak risikonya, karena lewat luka2 kecil yg mungkin terjadi akibat mencukur rambut ketiak tsb., bahan2 kimia yang ada dalam produk anti-keringat bisa lebih cepat masuk kedalam tubuh.
Tolong informasikan hal ini kepada semua laki2 dan perempuan yang anda kenal. Kanker payudara kian hari mencapai jumlah yang mengkhawatirkan. Kalau lewat email kita bisa menghindari sejumlah kejadian, maka kegiatan ini tidak pernah merupakan buang waktu!
Dr. Pamela Goodwin, direktur dari Marvelle Koffler Beast Center di Mt. Sinai Hospital, menyatakan tidak ada hubungan di antara penggunaan deodoran dengan kanker payudara. Bahkan tidak ada lonjakan kasus-kasus kanker payudara ketika deodorant ber-antiperspirants (bukan anti-transpiran sebagaimana diklaim email hoax di atas) diperkenalkan ke pasaran sampai saat ini. Dr. Pamela Goodwin sendiri memakai deodorant antiperspirant itu setiap hari.
American Cancer Society juga membantah hoax tersebut. Pada studi yang dilakukan oleh Dana K. Mirick, MS, dan rekan-rekannya di Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center di Seattle, yang meneliti 813 wanita di bagian barat Washington dengan usia 20 to 74, yang didiagnosa menderita kanker payudara antara tahun 1992-1995, dan kemudian memperbandingkannya dengan 793 wanita tanpa penyakit tersebut, mendapatkan hasil: tidak ada hubungan antara kanker payudara dan antiperspirant atau deodorant!
Selain itu, klaim-klaim yang menyebutkan zat-zat racun yang dikeluarkan oleh tubuh yang mana proses tersebut dihambat oleh deodorant anti keringat tersebut, dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
Lymph nodes help clear some toxins in the body; however, the lymph nodes do not release these toxins through sweating. Sweat glands are not connected to lymph nodes. Sweat glands are located in the skin, not in the lymph nodes. Most cancer-causing substances are removed by the kidneys (and released into urine) and by the liver (and released into bile, which mixes with and is eliminated with feces)
Karenanya, tidak heran menuliskan pendapat dari seorang pakar, Dr.Mervyn Elgart dari Department of Dermatology pada George Washington University yang menyebutkan email hoax tersebut sebagai: "a bunch of crap."
27 November 2008
Aluminium Chlorhydrat Dalam Deodoran
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Label: Hoax
Ring in Red
Isi Hoax:
7 Mei 2008 - dari SMS teman
Info dari JKT: Nomor ini 9846554 dan 666/ atau 0866 dan 0666 atau nomor berwarna merah, JANGAN DI ANGKAT!!! Uda ada 7 org yg mati setelah angkat nomor ini.. Kenyataan. Sebarkanlah ke keluarga & teman! Org blg lagi uji ilmu hitam.Sekilas info. Gbu.
8 Mei 2008 (versi 1) - dari ym teman
Mengenai "Ring In Red" yg terjadi di banyak negara, Kepala Research WHO "Prof Joao Xu Phd" telah menemukan bahwa kejadian tersebut bukan ilmu hitam, tapi merupakan bahaya yang sudah terbukti yg disebabkan pancaran radiasi tinggi signal GSM karena terjangkit VIRUS yang dipancarkan melalui media penerima signal spt Handphone. Penting untuk disampaikan kepada keluarga dan sahabat anda untuk sementara waktu menghentikan alat komunikasi yang memakai jaringan GSM. Yang termasuk jaringan GSM di Indonesia adalah Telkomsel, Satelindo, XL, dan sebagainya. Untuk CDMA sementara masih aman dari VIRUS.
8 Mei 2008 (versi 2) - dari email teman
Mengenai "Ring in Red" yg terjadi di byk negara Kepdik WHO "Prof.Dr.ADI MOK" telah menyatakan bahwa kejadian tersebut bukan ulah ilmu hitam.tapi radiasi infra merah yang sengaja dipancarkan secara berlebihan ke hp no.dituju,yg memang benar dpt menyebabkan penerima tewas beberapa saat setelah mendegar telp.walaupun tdk dijwb,hp yg terletak dkt jg berbahaya,dpt menimbukan penyakit perlahan seperti kanker,sebaiknya kurangi pengaktifan/pemakaian hp sampai dinyatakan aman kembali oleh WHO dan pagi ini jam 10.00 diharapkan hp anda tdk aktif krn infra merah akan disebarkan...!ki,in berita terbaru ttg virus hp, penting utk dibahas,tlg sampaikan kpd teman2.
11 Mei 2008 - dari sms teman
12 Mei 2008 - dari ym teman
smua HANDPHONE malam ini dimatikan. Menurut METRO TV, pada jam 11 malam ini akan ada gelombang radiasi yang besar yang berbahaya utk manusia. yang akan tertangkap oleh semua hp & pemancar. Beritahu yang lain/teman2 jgan taruh hp dekat kepala
Berdasarkan website WHO, Director Generalnya adalah Dr. Margareth Chan (baca di sini), sementara untuk Assistant Director-General - Information, Evidence and Research, adalah Tim Evans (baca di sini)
Situs WHO dalam homepagenya tertanggal Thursday, 8 May 2008 10:33 AM, pada bagian berita terbarunya hanya menampilkan flu burung dan stop TB di Asia--sesuatu yang riil yang benar-benar perlu kita berikan perhatian ekstra; tanpa ada satu pun berita mengenai Ring in Red ini.
Sementara pencarian di Google untuk "Adi Mok" tidak membawa hasil signifikan, malahan membawa ke satu situs anti hoax juga: hoax in indonesian yang membantah hoax ini juga
Nomor penelpon yang berwarna merah memang ada pada feature iPhone Apple yang menandakan nomor tidak dikenal, tetapi bukan berarti itu akan mematikan sang penerima telpon. Sementara pada perangkat handphone lainnya yang tidak dilengkapi feature demikian, memunculkan warna merah untuk nomor tidak dikenal pada perangkat handphone sungguh merupakan prosedur yang tidak dimungkinkan. Bahkan jika berasal dari provider jaringan pun, bagaimana suatu provider jaringan bisa menentukan suatu protokol untuk memerahkan nomor-nomor tertentu dan menyusupkannya pada software handphone sang penerima telpon?
Hoax seperti ini sudah lama ada dan terjadi di banyak negara (terakhir 26 April 2008 di Kamboja), namun dalam situs kemarin, polisi telah membantah adanya korban yang tewas akibat menerima telepon misterius tersebut.
"Bohong saja itu," kata Trunoyudo pada, Kamis (8/5/2008). Bahkan isu adanya korban di Jakarta juga telah diklarifikasi sebagai tidak terdengar sama sekali di Jakarta. Polda Riau juga telah meminta bantuan sejumlah tokoh agama untuk mengatasi isu-isu ini, berita dari
Sementara itu, feature infrared yang terpasang pada perangkat handphone mensyaratkan agar infrared dapat saling berkoneksi adalah dalam rentang jarak sekitar 5 cm sampai dengan 60 cm. Microsoft dalam situsnya juga menuliskan manual bagaimana mengkoneksikan peralatan infrared dalam rentang 1 meter agar efektif. Bahkan Nokia sendiri menganjurkan agar rentang jarak antar perangkat berinfrared sebaiknya dalam rentang 30 cm!
Bagaimana dengan keamanan peralatan infrared tersebut?
The only legal restrictions and medical advices we were able to find on the web were concerned with infrared emissions of heat lamps or in the welding process and IEC 825-1 (CENELEC EN60825-1). This suggests that IR light as emitted by IrDA devices will be harmless, since even the peak power emitted by strong IR LEDs (ca. 300mW) is several orders of magnitude below the power emitted by medical IR heat lamps (up to 500W)
Bahkan karena perlatan tersebut dibuat seaman mungkin, tetapi itu juga hanya berlaku untuk retina mata dan bukan pada kesehatan individu maupun resiko kematian; walaupun seseorang tetap disarankan untuk mengenakan perangkat perlindungan untuk (retina) mata.
Sepanjang yang telah berhasil digoogling, tidak ditemukan mengenai bahaya infrared yang berhubungan dengan kematian langsung. Tetapi banyak situs yang malah menjanjikan infrared sebagai alat terapi kesehatan seperti gelang dan juga sauna.
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Label: Hoax
07 November 2008
Bisphenol A in infant formula at 'dangerous' levels
By Ahmed ElAmin
06-Dec-2007 - Bisphenol A (BPA), known as the 'gender bender' chemical, leaches into liquid baby formula from the linings of cans at levels dangerous to infant health, according to new research published yesterday by a US environmental group
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) said the research reveals that Bisphenol-A, used to line nearly all infant formula cans, was found in at levels "far higher" in the product than those that leach from plastic bottles under normal use.
EWG had previously estimated that one out of every 16 infants fed ready-to-eat liquid formula are exposed to BPA at doses exceeding those that caused increased aggression and significant changes in testosterone levels in laboratory animals.
The new research adds to the mounting consumer fear over products packaged in containers with the chemical. Meanwhile, processors such as Nestle continue to resist removing the packaging additive from their products.
The EWG noted that previous studies showing that the packaging chemical leaches from plastic baby bottles into food had led many parents to switch to BPA-free bottles.
Now EWG claims the baby formula being put into the bottles also contains BPA, which has leached from the original cans the product was packaging in.
"Many parents have switched to BPA-free bottles for their infants," said Sonya Lunder, an EWG senior analyst. "US manufacturers of infant formula and baby bottles can and should do the right thing and remove this harmful chemical from their products."
Processors and can manufacturers have consistently stated that the chemical has not been show by scientific studies to pose a health risk. Earlier this year the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) set a maximum limit for human daily intakes of BPA, after assessing the evidence.
Setting a Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) on BPA provides guidance on the use of the chemical to regulators and processors as this can be used as the basis for scientific risk assessments on whether it can be used, reduced or banned.
BPA is an additive widely used in plastic packaging and the resin linings of food cans, among other applications. Studies have found that the chemical migrates in small amounts into food and beverages from packaging containing the substance.
The EWA said it contacted company officials at Nestlé, Ross-Abbot (Similac), MeadJohnson, (Enfamil), Hain-Celestial (Earth's Best), and PBM, which sells formula under various names at Walmart, Kroger, Target and other stores.
Each company's policy was documented a minimum of three times, twice through phone interviews, and once by an e-mail questionnaire, the EWG stated.
The results reveal that all manufacturers use BPA to line the metal portions of all infant formula containers, including powdered varieties, EWG stated.
"There is mounting scientific evidence that BPA is toxic, especially to children," said Aaron Freeman, policy director with Environmental Defence Canada, which participated in the study. "Governments should be acting quickly, starting with a ban on BPA in food and beverage containers."
Citing previous formula testing by EWG and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the organisation said the evidence shows that BPA leaches from the plastic lining of metal cans into liquid formula, exposing formula-fed babies to potentially harmful concentrations that are higher than levels leaching from the bottles.
BPA levels in powdered formula sold in the US haven't been tested, but the formula is diluted with water before being fed to babies, and thus poses less risk to babies, EWG stated.
The EWG is a nonprofit research organisation based in Washington, DC.
Previous scientific research into the chemical has implicated BPA in disease or infant developmental problems. The chemical has long been known to act as an artificial estrogen, the primary hormone involved in female sexual development.
BPA has already been shown to increase breast cancer cell growth. In the January 2005 edition of the journal Cancer Research, a University of Cincinnati research team reported that it increased the growth of some prostate cancer cells as well.
Another study released this year by scientists at the same university also indicated that low doses of BPA can damage the development of young brains.
Warnings about other possible long-term health risks associated with fetal exposures to BPA have also been published in recent scientific literature.
BPA was first shown to be oestrogenic in 1938, in a study using rats. In a 1993 study BPA was found to be oestrogenic in the human breast cancer cell. Another 1995 study found that the liquid in some cans of tinned vegetables contained both BPA and and the related chemical dimethyl bisphenol-A.
The highest levels of BPA were found in cans of peas. BPA was also found in the liquid from cans of artichokes, beans, mixed vegetables, corn and mushrooms. All liquids which contained BPA were found to be oestrogenic to a human breast cancer cell, scientists reported.
In 1997 researchers Fred vom Saal and others at the University of Missouri-Columbia concluded that BPA was harmful to humans and that its use should be banned. They noted that BPA is also used in the manufacture bottles, from which it leaches at an increasing rate as the bottle ages.
A study from a group of German researchers released in September provided the first direct evidence that human exposure to BPA in Europe is very low and is, at most, in a range similar to the levels reported in other parts of the world, according to a chemicial industry site.
The research was sponsored by UBA (Umweltbundesamt), the German Federal Environment Agency.
BPA is used to manufacture polycarbonate, a rigid plastic used to make infant feeding bottles, plates, mugs, jugs, beakers, microwave oven ware and storage containers. It is also used in the production of the epoxy-phenolic resins that form internal protective linings for cans and metal lids. The resins are also used as coatings for water storage tanks and wine vats.
When the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) set a maximum limit for human daily intakes of BPA in January this year, its stated that its scientific panel on food contact materials concluded that the setting of a full rather than a temporary TDI was needed, including a review of all available new data from the last five years.
Having considered both the pre-2002 and new studies available, the EFSA scientific panel concluded that the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of five milligram/kg body weight/day identified in the previous evaluation in 2002, remains valid.
The panel also concluded that reports of low-dose endocrine effects of BPA in rodents did not demonstrate such activity in ways that were "robust or reproducible".
"New studies have shown significant differences between humans and rodents, such as the fact that people metabolise and excrete BPA from their system far more quickly than rodents, further limiting the relevance of low-dose effects of BPA reported in some rodent studies for human risk assessment," EFSA stated.
"Studies have also shown that mice are particularly sensitive to oestrogens. Given that BPA is a weak oestrogen, the absence of adverse effects at 5 milligram/kg body weight and below in a new robust study on mice and two generations of their offspring adds further confidence to the risk assessment."
The EFSA scientific panel noted that conservative estimates of current daily exposure to the chemical put it at 30 per cent of the TDI in all population groups. "These exposure estimates include BPA migration into canned foods and into food in contact with PC table ware or storage receptacles," EFSA stated.
The estimates do not include either potential migration of BPA from receptacles into food during microwave heating or into drinking water due to the use of resins in water pipes and in water storage tanks.
The Canadian government last month launched a study into the BPA. The results are expected next year.
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