Isi Hoax:
Hi friends,
I got this message from my friend and here I am forwarding to all of you to see some facts going on in this world. Hope u all co-operate in eradicating this evil thing, What u are going to witness here is a fact, Don't get Scared !
"It's Taiwan's hottest food..." In taiwan, dead babies or foetuses could be bought at $50 to $70 from hospitals to meet the high demand for grilled and barbecued babies
What a sad state of affairs!!
Please forward this message to as many people as u can so that it can be seen by the world and someone takes action on the same It is a thing against human race and unless we people of the world put hand to hand to eradicate this custom this will not end. Even the word impossible says i m possible.
take care
Pria dalam foto tersebut adalah seniman China bernama Zhu Yu, yang dengan sengaja melakukan performance untuk memprotes pemerintah China yang kurang memperhatikan performing art. Sayangnya, foto-foto itu kemudian beredar di internet dan diklaim sebagai menu makanan di restoran-restoran Taiwan.
Walaupun hasil karya yang dengan sengaja oleh seniman tersebut diklaim sebagai fetus aborsi hasil curian, namun oleh yang lain segera diidentifikasi sebagai a doll's head on a roasted duck. Yang jelas, tidak ada kebudayaan memakan bayi sebagai menu di China maupun Taiwan; bahkan oleh situs urbanlegends mengatakan:
The claim that baby or fetus eating is an accepted practice in China (or Thailand, or Japan, or Korea, or Israel, as other variants of this same rumor claim) is more or less a modernized version of an ancient legend known as "Blood Libel." It has typically taken the form of one culture accusing another (or a subculture) of ritually sacrificing infants and in some cases eating them. The Greeks accused the Jews of it, the Romans accused the Christians, Christians accused the Jews again, and so on throughout history.
Pemerintah Taiwan mengomentari hal tersebut sebagaimana berikut:
The GIO wishes to emphasize that no event of this kind has ever taken place in Taiwan, and that the serving or eating of such a dish would break an ROC law against the defiling of human corpses.
Tabloid sensasional Malaysia, Warta Perdana yang memuat hoax tersebut akhirnya meminta maaf dan mengakui berita tersebut didasarkan pada email anonymous dan tidak dapat diverifikasi
Sumber: mubi, truthorfiction, urbanlegends,,
Sumber gambar: urbanlegends
27 Maret 2009
Menu Fetus Bayi Hasil Aborsi di Restoran Taiwan
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